Welcome to The First Aid Industry Body
Key Benefits
- Totally Independent.
- Training Organisations issue their own certificates.
- Less bureaucracy than other regulators.
- Less cost than other regulators.
- Monitored by Professional and Independent First Aid Inspectors (Similar to the old HSE system).
- Provide Lesson Plans, Assessment Papers, Multiple Choice Questions and PowerPoints.
- Produce our own First Aid books.
- Run alongside a Management Advisory Panel with representation from across the U.K.
Selecting a First Aid Training Provider
(Information For Employers)
As an Employer, you have a number of options available to you when selecting a First Aid Training Provider. HSE does not advocate, promote or support any particular option. You should select the most suitable option for your requirements.
FAIB have produced a document for employers to explain our approach to Quality Assurance, Standards, Guidelines and how we perform Due Diligence against Training Providers.
You can view the document here
The cost varies between Regulators however evidence has shown that when comparing equivalent qualifications, the First Aid Industry Body are the most cost effective.
The chart to the right clarifies and simplifies the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) GEIS 3 Document which the HSE has developed to assist Employers when choosing a First Aid Training Provider.